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Frequent questions

This is a list of answers to our most frequently asked topics. If you don't see an answer to your question, don't hesitate to reach out.





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I have a company legally established in the USA. Can you help me get a payment gateway? That I have to do?

Yes, we can help you get a payment gateway, to do this we need you to provide us with information such as your website or URL, where your company is legally incorporated, who owns the company and where you reside.

Do you think my business in the US can be approved?

Every application we submit is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Since your account may be considered high risk or difficult to approve, we will need to pre-screen your business. To start we will need:

  • Identity document or Driver's License.
  • Void US check or US bank letter (must have bank logo, must indicate your routing number, account number, and that you are in good standing)
  • Articles of Corporation/Company Registration Documents
  • Business bank statements (last 3 months) If not available, you can provide personal bank statements
  • Merchant processing statements (last 3 months) IF available

Why am I asked for my driver's license?

You should know that a driver's license is the most common form of valid identification in the US. Once we approve your account, it will be registered under the signer's name and legal business name. Therefore, it is imperative that our compliance team verify your identity.

What if I don't have business bank statements or articles of association and I'm a sole proprietor?

It's okay, we can still apply as sole proprietor. In that case, please provide the last 3 months of your PERSONAL bank statements. Our partner bank needs to verify that you are financially stable to support your business. We can always help you get approved with lower monthly volumes and grow gradually month by month. Please note that if you plan to be approved offshore it will be essential that you operate a company registered in your country.

If I don't want to give out my bank statements, which is confidential information about my business. What I can do?

Applying for an account (especially for a high risk one) requires that you demonstrate that you are financially strong to operate your business. It is mandatory for the bank to review your bank statements to understand your cash flow and the risk associated with your type of business. If, for example, you want to sell 10k dollars per month, it will be ideal to have funds to operate an operating expense of 10k per month. The higher the cash flow, the better.

If my bank statements are all at 0, would they be an impediment to being able to request a Merchant Account?

Again, this is a case-by-case situation, but having low balances, no balance, or negative balances will make it very difficult to approve. You need to have enough cash flow on your bank statement to support business risk. If the company has no income, it is impossible for the bank to approve the account. Additionally, if we send bank statements at 0, the bank will interpret that your company is not solvent. We suggest that you add funds to your bank account before submitting the application.

I am a Dropshipping company, could my business be approved?

Dropshipping businesses is a challenge for multiple reasons. Mainly because delivery times are longer and this can lead to chargeback disputes. We recommend not drop-shipping your business. You will also be asked to prove that you own the products or inventory; We suggest you have photographs of all inventory and provide records of tracking numbers for express services within the same country. Don't mention that you are a drop shipper on your website; If so, delete it.

Delivery of my products is 30 days because I am a Dropshipping business. Do you think it can be approved?

Being a direct carrier increases the risk. Do you have warehouses in the countries where you make your sales and deliveries? Demonstrating this is crucial for approval. Can you certify that these warehouses are also in your company's name? Again, it is essential to have an agreement with or under the name of any fulfillment company.

If my company is dropshipping. Why do I need proof of my warehouses or proof of lease?

Dropshipping businesses are difficult to get approved. Especially startups. Because the longer the delivery time of the product, the greater the risk. When a product or service has a very long delivery time, this can lead to chargebacks or sales disputes. And if we find chargebacks, our banks will have a hard time approving it.

I don't know what terms and conditions I should add on my website. Do you have any templates or models from your competition?

Typically, once your request is reviewed, if anything needs to be changed on the site, High Risk Department will let us know!

Can you open a payment gateway for me with integration for shopify or woo commerce?

Shopify and woo commerce require plugins. At some point these add-ons are available, but we must first focus on approving your type of business since no two products are ever the same, . We must first ensure that your product is acceptable. Once approved, our technical team can provide SDKs & API keys and in some cases plugins that your web master should easily configure. You will know the answer after we do our prequalification.

Why does it take so long to approve recurring business?

When it comes to a subscription business, getting approval is more difficult. Subscriptions always increase a business's risk due to cancellations and chargebacks. This would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. We need to make sure we comply with the rules, especially when starting out, and then be a little more flexible. It's about building a relationship with our partner bank.

How soon will my company be approved in the US?

Because this is a high-risk request, we will need to pre-screen your business. If prevention is successful, once we send your business to our risk team, the first response will occur within 24 to 48 business hours. Then we will know additional requirements. Please be prepared to provide all supporting documents.

How much does the service cost?

We review each request on a case-by-case basis. Our risk team will review your business and provide you with rates, terms and conditions for you to accept. You will then be given an application/agreement to sign that includes fees, terms and conditions. Each case is unique.

Why is it necessary to give you a voided check or bank letter?

To avoid mistakes when financing yourself. In the USA, it is a requirement to ensure that your company name and bank account match your EIN or tax identification number.

How long does payment last in the US?

For companies in the US, it is generally every day after 24/48 business hours; It also depends on the type of company.

How long does international commercial payment last?

If we approve you with a partner processor in your own country, you may qualify for 2-3 day daily payments; Each account is reviewed uniquely. Some international processors will only fund once a week, others for longer. It depends on the type of business, which country the business is legally established in, and which country the processor is from.

What if I don't have processing statements?

In that case, you can provide your last 3 bank statements. If you are a new company, please let us know in advance.

What if I only have Stripe/Paypal processing statements in Excel format?

Excel documents are not allowed. Could you create a view-only login? It is imperative that our processor reviews your sales, refunds, total monthly volumes, chargebacks, number of sales, etc.

What if my bank account has low or no balances because I am a new business?

What we must demonstrate to our risk team is that you are a financially solvent company. Your business bank account should have enough money to cover the expenses of running the business. But the most important thing is to cover possible chargebacks or cancellations of your processing sales. Is there a way to add more funds to the business bank account before the months are up? This will help you have a more attractive bank statement for the month. Chances are that if you add money today (depends on what time of the month you write this) you will be able to have a bank statement with more cash to show on the next business bank statement this month.


I don't have money to add to the business; it has just begun.
Since this is a new business (start-up), you must provide personal bank statements instead of the business bank statement. If you have negative balances, this doesn't look good for approval. Can you provide personal bank statements with funds? Again we must demonstrate that it is solvent.
Example: A more attractive statement is the priority. Please add as much money as possible. There is a big difference approving a startup with $50 a month and a cash flow balance of $10,000 a month in a business. Keep in mind that the purpose here is to cover the expenses of running the business. But the most important thing is to cover possible chargebacks or cancellations of your processing sales. This is ultimately what our banking compliance risk team wants to see.

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